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I've been busy with it being christmas and all D: But I haven't really been up to much.. A few
Limbus runs, a few sky runs... A few Halo bouts on Xbox Live. UNRELATED!
But I'm posting to show off my new toy. After babysitting that stupid NPC over 30 times I finally got my Yigit Gomlek. (: Other than that I have nothing ot report as usual XD. I'm going to visit my snuggle bunny next week so no more posts then either. D:
Merry Xmas all !
Ooops. Sorry. Just haven't had the time between uni, work and playing to even think about blogging at the moment. But nothing all that interesting has happened regardless! Just been the usual. Sky and Limbus... Doing random stuff in between.
For a start I found it funny while doing Campaign battles that you can attack the 'Fortifications' in Beastmen controlled zones. Not sure if anyone's worked out how to beat them yet since they keep regenning, but it was an interesting thing to see. 50+ people crowded round a wall hitting it. XD Was rather entertaining. I think I might go do some more campaign now though. (: Easy way to get closer to a few merits. Which are always welcome! As far as merits are concerned I now have 2 in wind, 1 in singing and I have Troubadour unlocked. Hurrah! Though at the moment the best use I found for it is extended time on Mazurka. It'll be better when I finally get my Yigit :D
Also I managed to unlock Dancer. I've been having fun on that in the Dunes for a while (:
Managed to get it to level 12! When all the hype has died down around it I plan to level it more. I find it quite an enjoyable job to play. A bit like Bard but you get to melee ! So it's like. Woohey! And you just look kickass while doing it too. I so wanna go BRD/DNC so I can sing then dance to my own music. /sad. ._.; Hey, it's gotta be done! D:
Other than that I really haven't done much in-game at all. Apart from Proto-Omega on Saturday I suppose. My snugglebunny got a piece of Homam. <3>
D: -addicted to the new Nightwish album-
But enough of that. (: So what have I been doing lately? Not a lot I think. I've managed to sprain my wrist somehow (no dirty thoughts, please). Which has made a lot of things to do with playing Bard quite tricky. I've been playing one handed for the most part. But it's getting better now.
So as I mentioned in my last post, Ed and I finally dinged 75. After about a year and a half that is. XD God we're slow. But it's great to have another job 75 again since I've stopped playing Red Mage. Though sometimes I feel kind of hopeless as Bard since I can't really solo as well. I might end up re-buying my Red Mage gear just for soloing purposes one day. But for now I'm going to pimp out Bard with every penny I can spare. O: Which also means spamming Assault to get my Yigit Gomlek which will last me until I can afford a Sha'ir Manteel... One day.
Well to be honest I haven't really done all that much apart from Assault and helping with missions. O_o; So there's not much to write about. I've PLed Ed's Ninja a bit too.
Oh! That was it. I got the Coiled Yarn from Limbus (: The item used in Bard Relic Upgrade. Just need the Doeskin now and I can upgrade a piece of AF. >w<
Just a quick post to saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
Thank you SE. XD I'm loving the new expansion so much. Campaign is such a big improvement on Besieged. It's smaller scale and spread across Vana'Diel. And the fact you can teleport to the zones is pretty awesome too.
I don't know. I know I haven't experienced a lot of the expansion content yet but I am thouroughly enjoying what I have. Campaign Ops, Campaign Battles... Exploring the new areas (Though that's been scary at the same time. VT mobs in Pashhow Marshlands? Pssht.) I've yet to get any decent screens of Campaign because it doesn't last too long. And staying alive is tough enough without having to stop to take a screenie.
I need to start dragging Ed and Dar to them >_>
Well. That's heavily due to work and my wanting to play in between. But I guess I should post what I've been up to (: Well. In between camping Campaign XD
So most of my time has been spent exploring the expansion with Ed and Dar really, since I don't really understand what the expansion has bought us as of yet. Well apart from Campaign. I wanted to join the Bastok forces but Ed and Dar wanted to do San d'Oria.. So I was outnumbered. I feel like a traitor stood here in San d'Oria right now waiting for Campaign to start.
Well the first thing I recall doing was helping Darcia with Bastok rank missions. Namely trioing
the shadow lord. Of course I was skeptical at first but apparently it worked. Strange? We even beat the battle clear record. Probably because of all the maintenance. XD But for future referance, a Paladin, a Bard and a Dragoon can trio the Shadow Lord with very little problem at all. The biggest problem was the physical attack immunity. Banish spam ftw! Well, they'll be ranking up Windurst next so I should imagine we'll be doing it again in the future regardless. It was fun anyway. (: I'm not going to switch from Bastok, I decided. Because I'm too lazy to get all my OP warps again.
After that it was finally time to explore the expansion areas with Ed and Dardar. And after dying a few times, being stalked by Mandragoras of the past and running around for what seemed like hours, we finally made it to San d'Oria. (yay ._.). So I'm now a 'proud member' of the San d'Orian Iron Rams. Joy! I'm so making them do Bastok after San d'Oria.
Hmmm. The next thing I really remember doing is Limbus
yesterday. Ed and I did SE Apollyon which was.. Interesting. I've only ever done Temenos before now so it was a new experience to say the least. For a start the terrain looks a lot like the promyvions. I wasn't expecting that. o_O Nothing all that important really happened in there. I'm still trying to get to grips with doing Limbus as a Bard, I feel like an end game noob again XD. Well anyway. My yield was 4 coins, which is a profit in my eyes since it costs 30k to enter Limbus. So 4 coins for 30k is a profit. Ed got 4 coins and a piece of Paladin HQ AF upgrade. Lucky sod! I don't think I'll get any Bard any time soon because Bard isn't free lot yet.
Then straight after that it was time for Sky farming with Nephilim. I'm undecided whether I'm enjoying sky again yet. There's nothing I want from sky at all, I'm just there for the events and for Ed really. (: Managed to do BB twice and claimed Faust before the other linkshell up there, which of course ended in Drama. As usuaul. Then we unfortunately wiped to MG. It feels weird being back in sky but not as a leader.
Anyway, back to camping Campaign! I need to catch some EXP before my snugglebunny gets on (: I'll post screens of it later~