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It is the 29th of February. Therefore today, we do not exist... Which means that anything I do in FF will not exist? How rude.
In my UK? Pfft.
Okay, but really. There was an earthquake here this morning. Scared me to death. 5.3 on the scale, too.
Moving on. Still, I haven't really done too much due to Ed's absence.
Which basically means fun and games in Campaign with Jagibod's Warmachine in Jugner. Basically the death machine, but it does make Campaign more interesting to be honest. Just sucks when I sub Ninja for more meleeing and lose my reraise spell. So I have to lay around and wait to be raised. It's silly. So it's either more EXP and lay around dead longer, or less EXP and no waiting for raises. Hmmm.
Other than messing around in campaign, I've done a few avatar fights
for gil. Not solo yet, but I trio'd with Znozzy and Bullet. Ramuh and Titan. So adding that to the whispers in my inventory already, that makes 40k randomly for just standing there and barspelling. Funfunfun.
Gonna get ready for sky now. (:
I've been rather too busy in real life to be able to play FF, and with Edmon away in Finland I haven't really felt like it to be honest. I've just been logging on for events and to sort out my AH wares.
Only thing to report is the fact that I finally obtained Crimson Greaves, which officially completes my sky gear. Well until I level another job. But regardless I think I'll start rebuying my RDM gear again when I feel slightly richer.
Anywho, gotta shoot off to uni now. (:
So I've been doing Aht Urghan missions between events for the most part. Got from 20 to 31 in a rather quick time. Needless to say I'm not too impressed with the storyline, it's not as interesting as the Chains of Promathia story, or Zilart for that matter. Besides. I'm finding Wings of the Goddess more interesting too. Think I'm just doing Aht Urghan for the silly ring for my dark knight.
I didn't manage to get any decent pictures of the missions but I did
get a picture of Besieged. Fighting Gere (Aka Cerebus) in Al Zhabi. It was interesting to say the least. I randomly died to his AoE then pretty much stayed out of range and cast Elegy every so often. AoE Paralyze isn't fun, really.
Other than that I've done very little indeed. Been to some events, made a bit of gil... Etc. (:
Well, not really anyway. Not done all that much in-game recently that should really be noted. Been playing Final Fantasy III a lot though. At first I couldn' get into it and not I'm addicted. What's new.
I was thinking that now I'm 37 Ninja, I want to re-gear my Red Mage. I still have the Rare/Ex stuff, just need to fill in the gaps I suppose. I want a vermillion cloak, damnit! But anyway. Hopefully on the next sky run wyrmal feet will go free-lot so I can try get them. Think that's all I want really.
Something that IS worth noting is the fact that I just plunged another 3 merits into Wind skill. Meaning I'm now capped at 250 wind when fully geared. Which isn't bad at all, I'm thinking.
Now I'm bored and not sleepy I'm going to fix my dats since installing the expansion broke most of them.
I've finally capped my ninja subjob, so I can finally stop being a gimp bard and meripo properly. Also Dar capped her Ninja too. So that means the 3 of us are no longer gimped (: It also means I can think about levelling more DD jobs. Though that will mean capping Warrior too. Shouldn't be too hard though.
I also really want to level Dancer!
But anyway. We just did another Proto-Ultima fight. And two hands dropped again. Oh well. But congratulations Dar on getting the kill shot!
Ding Ninja 31 (: And I'm going to try finish it off tonight. Special thanks to my hunnybunny, Brevin and Lulion for donating a scroll of Utsusemi: Ni to me. It's much appreciated! I owe you some meripos.
Also, as of last night I now have the Dynamis-Beaucedine win. Which means I have Xarcabard access. So apart from Dynamis-Tavnazia, I can enter any Dynamis! Finally. Now for the rest of that relic to drop (:
On a side note: Isn't Charmga fun?