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Ding 4/5 Bard Relic! Which I wasn't expecting at all. Yay for more macro gear. (:
As usual, nothing much to report. Done a few Assaults, done the usual events with the linkshells (: Went on a failed attempt to farm Antlion Jaws with my love (god I hate Antlions). And as usual, just waiting out the maintenance to get into Dynamis-Xarcabard.
As well as all that, I helped organise a Divine Might run for the linkshell since there were so many people needing it done - and in my experience it's better to go with a group of people you know instead of a shout party. We got it on the third try due to a few spots of bad luck on the first two (damn skillchaining Ark Angels! Don't they know no one skillchains anymore? D: ) Unfortunately I didn't get any screenshots, but Mynas managed to get a good one so I'll use that O:

Congratulations to all the needers (:
Now.. To wait out the maintenance.
Found it! In Wajaom Woodlands of all places. Pom pom man couldn't evade me any longer. So I finally ranked up to Superior Private. Not that it'll make that much difference to be honest since I almost never do Assault really.
Also, yesterday I obtained my Iron Emblem of Service despite the fact that Square-Enix broke campaign badly. (Maintenance pending, anyone?) So that's 2 rank ups, and it's only Wednesday!

We have a winnar! No. Really. I wasn't expecting that at all! And even better?

Congratulations to Znozzy and Tillaert on their Osodes, Luxv on his Neptunal body and also Nyvec on Wyrmal legs!
Also, I got the Bard Temenos item again today, meaning only one more upgrade item before I really don't need to upgrade anymore for Bard! It was a good day today.
Perhaps the campest FF poses in the world? Definitely maybe. Went sightseeing with Znozz in the new areas and we just HAD to get some holiday snaps with this Star Ruby Quadav.
As Znozzy said, we just proved that white people cannot dance.
And if you were interested, there was nothing really to see in Beadeaux anyway. Pretty much exactly the same as present day Beadeaux!

The matrix has you. No really, it does.
Well. A bit more. Ed, Dar and I managed to Trio a Lamia killing mission, though from what I understand it's pure luck that we did. Apparently we're not too far from the end, either.
I also got the quest to rank up to Superior Private in Assault Rank. Though I've yet to find the Warhorse print. That'll be my job this week. Find the damn Warhorse Hoofprint!
Though I have to laugh.. Everytime I see Odin I think of Pompoms.
We killed Proto-Omega again and it proved to be a rather smooth fight. Only 1 or 2 deaths I believe. Unfortunately the gunpods didn't really drop anything worthwhile, but congrats to my hunnybunny for getting his Homam Cosciales! <3

I finally reached the level of Emblems in Campaign and was able to buy an Iron Ram Horn to replace my Faerie Piccolo. It's not amazing, but for the same Song + time, I get 4 CHR too. So I guess it counts as better (:
Just waiting to do Proto Omega now (: Will update later after the rugby!
Not really accoplished anything today apart from finally ranking up in campaign. Other than that I've been afk a lot doing things. I rearranged my room randomly. Just because I felt like a change really.
Other than that I finally obtained my Choral Cannions +1. Which means no more storing BRD AF. Ah well, it's worth it. I just hope I get the next set of items quicker than these.
The Doeskin dropped in Limbus. Meaning tomorrow I will have my Choral Cannions +1 after months and months of waiting. I was so happy when I saw it drop. And now they're at the NPC and I'm just waiting until I can take them! As well as the Doeskin, I got the Apollyon Red Mage item. So I hope I can get the Temenos item too!
Other than that, I didn't get to try solo the ice queen. But Leviathan was free. So I went to pay him a visit. Dar and I also took a Taru along since he needed the whisper and I was feeling nice. Soloed him no problem, though his Spring Water did annoy me rather.
Finally, Congrats to Loncar on his Osode and Gregrowe for his Shura Body. (:
Garuda down (: I'm rather enjoying this soloing thing. Great fun, I tell you. Gonna really test myself and try the ice lady now. (; Killing time before Limbus and Sky I guess.
Also! Happy March everyone!