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I have 5k left but it's worth it. My own Manteel <3>
See you in a week or so O:
Between LS events (yes, rejoined Neph) and staring at my delivery box, Ed and I randomly decided to tag along on Bahamut Version 1 - an 18 person fight against the most famous wyrm in the FF series. What could possibly go wrong?Strangely enough the hardest part of this trip was actually getting to the BC. 18 level 75s running naked through Riverne Site B#01 is quite entertaining. A fair few aggroed and died along the way, but we got there in the end. Didn't have to run too much.The fight itself was actually much easier than I had expected. Ed was main tanking and I was his BRD assist as usual. The only problem was that the melee DD were downing his HP faster than anticipated, believe me when I say that two Megaflare in a row followed by a flail is not fun for BRDs. Needless to say I spent most of the fight face down. Isn't it depressing when the BRD dies more than the tank?
Despite examining the grass intently, the fight was easily won. Though, we did have a shed load of BLMs for some odd reason. It was impressive to say it was a pick up group. But now this fight is done we can move on to Bahamut v2, which actually drops items of worth! (Not to mention a Cashmeire Cloth!)Speaking of Cashmeire Cloth, as soon as one more item sells for me I will be able to afford my Manteel. I have someone holding on to one to sell me so hopefully it sells soon. I can't wait (:And now I am going to bed, and I won't be posting for a while as I'm off to France on Thursday. <3
So I've pretty much been living in uni this past week. 12 hour + days are funfunfun. ._.; Escpecially in a room with zero natural light. Ah, so this is what I have to look forward to? So on that note I won't be playing much for the next few weeks. Have a lot of technician work to do for the rest of the week and next week I shall be jetting off to France to visit a certain someone~ If I don't get lost on the way, that is. No time for FF at the moment, it seems. Though I have decided to slowly save for a Sha'ir Manteel. And if the things I'm currently selling.. Well.. Sell, it will bring me to about 75% of the total needed hopefully. Basically, I'd need to find 1 million gil somewhere. But hey. If I have most of it, shouldn't be hard ! Right? :x
Well okay, not power rangers as such. But a quick post to say:
Level 60 & full AF. And Ed looking like a purple power ranger. <3
It seems I'm not getting a moment to myself, and when I am, I'm doing things out of game (like drinking a whole bottle of champaign and playing useless computer games which aren't FF!). But none the less, I got a fair amount done in game.For a start, my WHM is now 55. Slowly getting to wear my AF, it seems. Not that the silly hat is actually any use, anyway (: Also quested all 3 Recall spells, which are nice to have. I don't really have a fast passage to the (S) areas so.I also had immense fun trioing the Mithran Tracker ENM with Dooom and Wolfheart~ Had a few problems at first, but we got there in the end. It was just a shame all they gave us was a silly Dragon Bone. :xI don't really have any interesting screens, so here's one for the lulz~
Due to certain circumstances which arose, Ed and I decided to leave Nephilim LS. Not a huge loss. (: Happy to have more free time and less shouting to boot. Seriously, it's a game, not a nazi regime.So for the past two days Ed and I were working on getting DRG and WHM to 50, which we managed to do (though he had to finish his level in campaign). So that meant starting on AF of course. Thanks to my luff being bored and farming all 6 keys for both of us, we're both 5/5 on AF right now (after a strangely easy WHM AF body fight). The only part that took a while was farming the bell. But we got it eventually.So now I'm looking forward to be able to level in more social hours since we have no events to attend to. Though Ed and myself are thinking of starting a Salvage/Limbus group. (: Waiting for the vendor to open now to get myself a shell. But what to call it !
Edit: Shell bought. (: Wanted to call it Gobmuffin but the name was taken. So we settled on MandragoraSoup. (No Mandragoras were harmed in the making of this linkshell).
So today was the monthly linkshell pop NM. Today's target: Alastor Antlion. Not my most favourite NM in the world to be honest but he provides much entertainment for the masses.For those of you who don't know this NM, Alastor Antlion is a royal pain in the bum. By trading an Antlion trap to the ??? at (F-10), you are able to spawn the legendary Feeler Antlion. Who will very conviniently spawn many minions for you to play with. Eventually, the legendary Feeler Antlion will call his friend, Alastor Antlion, who proceeds to Petrify the masses. Upon his defeat, Alastor will present you with a shiney new piece of footwear called Rostrum Pumps.Congratulations to the proud new owners of their shiney new shoes: Demolama, Blanaid, Bulletproofmonk, Vaizard and... Me!
Huzzah! And while we were participating in this epic battle, it turns out that Bastok finally managed to have control over the Derfland region. Which means that I now have all the outpost warps in Vana'diel. Also, ding White Mage 49 O:
..Running around naked and hitting stuff? So we tried today as a sort of test run (: Reminded me how much I enjoy Salvage. It's just too bad the entrance fee is a bit steep (Well, if you want items from assault points, too). But we headed on down into Bhauflau Remnants as a small group and started whacking mobs. Was good fun, though I didn't enjoy hearing my singing so much.Unfortunately the boss ate us, but it was only a test run so we weren't really bothered.Other than that, did a few Limbus. A few sky runs.. A few Dyna runs. Manage to get White Mage to 46 with Ed's Dragoon last night. It's not a bad job when there's a refresh present. Without it, it's hell.I now bid you farewell. And for the lulz: