As of late I've not really accomplished much. Managed to cap SMN sub with Ed's SAM in one party, which was pretty draining, and now I have very little on my agenda since I don't have the gil to continue levelling WHM yet. Also I rather want to pick up other jobs, like DNC and perhaps SCH, though I still don't really understand how SCH works so I think probably DNC for now.
We did a Proto-Omega fight on Saturday too which went very well. Congratulations to those who got Homam! Though I'm looking forward to this Saturday more. Proto-Ultima time (: Hopefully I'll get a shot at Nashira Legs though I'm not expecting it.

Other than that I've mainly been doing ZNMs with the shell. I managed to get my Maroon Seal and a pop for Iriz Ima, which hopefully we'll be doing later on tonight. Then after that I just need to farm enough Zeni to be able to pop Dea for the Oracle's Pigaches. Though I'm rather happy with SE for putting these NMs in, they require a strategy, you can't just run in and TP burn some of them, they need people paying attention.
So far I've been fortunate to be able to fight: Chamrosh, Chigre, Lil' Apkallu, Vulpagnue, Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon, Ob, Iriz Ima, Verdelet, Dea, Gotoh Zha the Redolent and Nuhn. Most of which needed some kind of special strategy to kill which is honestly much more interesting than just felling a mob in 10 seconds flat. Regardless, congratulations to those in the shell who got the items they wanted so far. Looking forward to the next lot (:
And oh.. Isn't charmga fun?