Saturday, 20 September 2008


I found the pony! /claims. /takes it home. ^___^ It was playing in East Ronfaure [S] with Clan Bear. Then it left and I couldn't find it again ;w; /sadpanda.

In other news, nothing interesting has happened. Apart from our amazing Dynamis-Beaucedine run (7 relics, amazing!) and then followed by our epic fail Dynamis-Jeuno run (2 relics..).

And I'm getting better at PCB (: Still on easy though cause I suck.

Sunday, 14 September 2008

What has he done to me ;w;

He's gotten me addicted to a silly shooting game. Okay maybe it's not silly. Perfect Cherry Blossom.. I was going to download Imperishable Night but I couldn't find a download link. So I've been sat playing this for a few hours.. But I can't get past the stage 2 boss (Chen) and it's pissing me off. All goes fine until she starts warping around all 'fomg' like and then I get dizzy watching her and run into some silly red glowy things. (The colours give me a headache). So after spending 5 minutes looking for the shoot button while dodging bullets, I finally got into it.. XD Anywho: Screenie!

I took a screenie at a less hectic moment to preserve my life (: So I've kinda settled myself into using the character called Sakuya Izayoi (Maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, apparently). She seems to move pretty well and has a sort of autotarget with her shooty thingy. Me likes Autotarget. After reading up on her a bit it seems like she's the easiest character to start out with (it was a silly download, all the ingame instructions are Japanese so I had to wiki the controls). I tried the other two available characters (Marisa Kirisame and Reimu Hakurei) but they were a tad harder to control.. I'm such a noob at this ):

Edit: Just beat Chen.. Granted I had to use all of my bombs, but I managed the Spell Card bonus on the last form O:.... Okay, not that special. But let me feel good about it! And anywho, went on a bit more into Stage 3 and proceeded to get raped by Alice Margatroid.. What a weird name. XD Anywho it's gotten to that point in the evening where I'm making silly mistakes and cursing at myself for them so I'll stop. But first a screenie of my best progress for you to lolz at.

Don't have a clue what half that means.. But it looks nice.... YES, I DID EASY MODE, OKAY? ;w; /emo.

Thursday, 11 September 2008

Saturday, 30 August 2008

Dazzling dance diva~!

Been a long time since I last updated. But in between now and then I managed to get an Ecphoria Ring, a Chivalrous Chain (through assault!), 5/5 DNC AF (only cost me 200k..), Duelist's Tights and Duelist's Gloves. I also dinged 55 DNC yesterday afternoon before Dynamis. So it's been a pretty good week.

The DNC AF body quest was rather fun, had to 'put on a show'. Similar to the summerfest mini games in style. Well, I don't really have any interesting screens this week, so here's one of my show~

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Promising Dancer~

So a few hours ago I dinged 40 DNC (finally!) and got my AF weapon by watching Luxv pretty much one shot the NM. Thanking you, ronry bard~! Now only 10 more levels to go until I can quest the rest of the pretty AF. I feel rather excited.. Is that a good thing?

Also I'm aiming for the Cobra Unit set for level 68, it looks so good and the stats are overly sexy for DNC (Acc and Store TP? O: Yes please!) I was thinking earlier about all the gear I'd like for DNC... Not just for levelling, but for the long run. I suppose the list is getting rather big, but so far I've thought of:
  • Ecphoria Ring
  • Peacock Charm
  • Brutal Earring
  • Cobra Unit Subligar
  • Cobra Unit Mittens
  • Cobra Unit Leggings
  • Swift Belt/Potent Belt
  • Rapparee Harness
I know there's more to add there.. But that's what I'm aiming towards at the moment. Of course there's no way in hell I'm affording a Peacock Charm anytime soon, but hey, a girl can dream right?

Well anywho, it's 9am, I'm bored.. So here's a screen of what I did while lfp on DNC.. God I love this dat <3

Sunday, 17 August 2008

A song I keep falling in love with.

I know that the video makes no sense for the song, but the only other version on Youtube had a freaky Spanish girl in...

An unexpected promotion..

I can't complain though really, just found it a bit of a surprise to say officially I've only completed 8 different assaults. But someone tells me that Nyzul Isle counts towards rank ups so that must be why. Either way... Wahoo!

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Shoe shopping!

Within 24 hours I gained 3 pairs of shoes.. Avocat Pigaches (Thank ye Znozzpoop!), Numerist's Pumps (Thank you Mrrrrrrriiiiiiilll!) and Duelist's Boots (YayDynaSandy!) So it's no real surprise that today I feel like I real woman. I want moare shoes. Unfortunately Dea didn't drop the Oracle's Pigaches but I can hardly complain.

In other news, I reached DNC 35 by duoing with another DNC. I hope to level it more this weekend after sky.

Thank you everyone<3

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Stupid parties!

Why do the only good invites come after midnight? It's 5am and I don't want to leave this party because so far I got 2 levels in it ; ; Goddamnit. But my bed has never looked so comfortable before...

Level 34 DNC, and still going!

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Dancer fever<3

So I fell in love with Dancer. I thouroughly enjoy playing the job, it's unique.. It's different, and it's also a melee job. I decided I'm going to level it whenever possible since it's one of the few things in game I really enjoy at the moment. Plus I'd look damn good in the AF. At the moment, I'm level 25. I'm going to attempt to seek again afer limbus tomorrow though. Gogo Kazham!

All I've really been doing is slowly making gil and trying to rebuy gear for RDM. I got hold of a pair of Jet Seraweels finally, now just the gloves to go. Though unfortunately I have this horrible feeling I'll just end up selling it all again. Oh, and I finally upgraded my Warlock's Tabard!

It's late. I don't really have any interesting pictures, so here's one of some dancing. o_o

Thursday, 7 August 2008


This must be my 4th Summerfest in FF, I still like the music and the fireworks. Reminds me of how amazed I was when I first saw them. What I like even more is SE's new approach to the festival this year. It's different, there's new swimsuits and sideshow games to keep players entertained. Though the whole Mumor thing was horribly cheesy, I got a good laugh out of it.

We did a few Nyzul boss runs the other day, met with Behemoth and two Adamantoises. Fortunately, one dropped. Congrats Ed on your silly looking new shoes<3 Askar look silly. D: And also congrats on your homam feet from the last Omega run.. You have more shoes than me ): Speaking of Nyzul, I wish there were different tags for Nyzul so we didn't have to stockpile assault tags. There's still gear I want from assault but I can't do assault because I'm supposed to save tags for Nyzul. It's just silly, I tell you.

Anyway, just a short update for now.

Friday, 25 July 2008

Oh how I didn't miss the dunes.

So I decided I'd seek on Dancer. I was level 14 so fairly hopeful that I'd get out of the dunes fast. Well. Lets just say that it's level 18 now and only one of those levels was gained in a party (a party with an insecure preteen tarutaru whose name was 'septheroth' or something). But DNC is pretty fun while solo 15+ ^^, Curing Waltz is amazing. Was chaining EM and T lizards in valkurm. EXP was so good I didn't even bother putting my flag up. I'll have to see how it goes in Qufim parties but I might just end up soloing mostly to 37 atleast.

Yesterday I managed to get my hands on a cheap Earth Grip (: Hopefully the Light Grip will drop in price soon, or maybe it'll drop later on? Who knows. But despite how cheap the earth grip was, I had to go and synth to get my gil back up again. I just love it when my inventory drowns in Marron Glaces. Though while synthing I got this:

So needless to say I was quite happy. My first 'real' HQ so to speak. (:

At the moment I'm just waiting around for Znms to start. I have my Dea pop so I can only hope the boots will drop, though I've never seen them drop up to now. So D; And just for the lulz, a screen I found from a while back when Ed and I were doing WotG missions~

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Pew pew!

As of late I've not really accomplished much. Managed to cap SMN sub with Ed's SAM in one party, which was pretty draining, and now I have very little on my agenda since I don't have the gil to continue levelling WHM yet. Also I rather want to pick up other jobs, like DNC and perhaps SCH, though I still don't really understand how SCH works so I think probably DNC for now.

We did a Proto-Omega fight on Saturday too which went very well. Congratulations to those who got Homam! Though I'm looking forward to this Saturday more. Proto-Ultima time (: Hopefully I'll get a shot at Nashira Legs though I'm not expecting it.

Other than that I've mainly been doing ZNMs with the shell. I managed to get my Maroon Seal and a pop for Iriz Ima, which hopefully we'll be doing later on tonight. Then after that I just need to farm enough Zeni to be able to pop Dea for the Oracle's Pigaches. Though I'm rather happy with SE for putting these NMs in, they require a strategy, you can't just run in and TP burn some of them, they need people paying attention.

So far I've been fortunate to be able to fight: Chamrosh, Chigre, Lil' Apkallu, Vulpagnue, Cheese Hoarder Gigiroon, Ob, Iriz Ima, Verdelet, Dea, Gotoh Zha the Redolent and Nuhn. Most of which needed some kind of special strategy to kill which is honestly much more interesting than just felling a mob in 10 seconds flat. Regardless, congratulations to those in the shell who got the items they wanted so far. Looking forward to the next lot (:

And oh.. Isn't charmga fun?

Thursday, 17 July 2008

O: Harpsichord!

I got a Harpsichord for my Mog House (:

Not much to report. Been hunting Ose all week really, but Ed got his Assault Jerkin so all is well. I've been playing the new FF Tactics game for the most part so I haven't done too much in FF at all this week. My next goal is to cap my summoner sub.

Saturday, 5 July 2008

Biast does not exist.


And goddamnit SE, release more Wings of the Goddess missions. I wants MOARE Aquilla CSes D:

Friday, 4 July 2008


Well due to a smooth running Dynamis-Beaucedine last night, which I pulled, I managed to get the fifth and final piece to add to my bard relic collection. The body:

Thanks guys<3

Friday, 27 June 2008

Thursday, 26 June 2008

Apocalypse Nigh!

So after helping Cere and Asta with their promyvion runs, we managed to get our slivers which were required for Apocalypse Nigh (: It took a fair amount of shouting and harrassing to get people to help but eventually we went with a group of 5: BRD, PLD, MNK, SAM, RDM.

To say this was the final battle for CoP and Zilart, it was horribly fun, but at the same time, horribly easy. With 2 hours HP dropped horribly fast. There was only one death due to a misplaced Sleepga.

Soul Voice + Hundred Fists + Meikyo Shisui = Dead Eald'Narche + Kam'Lanaut. o: Many thanks to Vulcan, Slauter and Kuroikenshi !

So Ed and I were able to pick up our pretty new earrings from Gilgamesh. Though I find it a little sad that CoP and Zilart are all done now. Next to finish AU !

Friday, 20 June 2008

Umm o_o

So I was going to be away for a week only but it somehow turned into 3 weeks.. Ahem. D: Now that I'm back I should be updating a bit more I guess. Though at the moment I'm busy packing my room to move home tomorrow D: Busybusybusy!

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Well now I'm broke.

I have 5k left but it's worth it. My own Manteel <3>

See you in a week or so O:

Wednesday, 28 May 2008


Between LS events (yes, rejoined Neph) and staring at my delivery box, Ed and I randomly decided to tag along on Bahamut Version 1 - an 18 person fight against the most famous wyrm in the FF series. What could possibly go wrong?

Strangely enough the hardest part of this trip was actually getting to the BC. 18 level 75s running naked through Riverne Site B#01 is quite entertaining. A fair few aggroed and died along the way, but we got there in the end. Didn't have to run too much.

The fight itself was actually much easier than I had expected. Ed was main tanking and I was his BRD assist as usual. The only problem was that the melee DD were downing his HP faster than anticipated, believe me when I say that two Megaflare in a row followed by a flail is not fun for BRDs. Needless to say I spent most of the fight face down. Isn't it depressing when the BRD dies more than the tank?

Despite examining the grass intently, the fight was easily won. Though, we did have a shed load of BLMs for some odd reason. It was impressive to say it was a pick up group. But now this fight is done we can move on to Bahamut v2, which actually drops items of worth! (Not to mention a Cashmeire Cloth!)

Speaking of Cashmeire Cloth, as soon as one more item sells for me I will be able to afford my Manteel. I have someone holding on to one to sell me so hopefully it sells soon. I can't wait (:

And now I am going to bed, and I won't be posting for a while as I'm off to France on Thursday. <3

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

So tired @w@;

So I've pretty much been living in uni this past week. 12 hour + days are funfunfun. ._.; Escpecially in a room with zero natural light. Ah, so this is what I have to look forward to?

So on that note I won't be playing much for the next few weeks. Have a lot of technician work to do for the rest of the week and next week I shall be jetting off to France to visit a certain someone~ If I don't get lost on the way, that is.

No time for FF at the moment, it seems. Though I have decided to slowly save for a Sha'ir Manteel. And if the things I'm currently selling.. Well.. Sell, it will bring me to about 75% of the total needed hopefully. Basically, I'd need to find 1 million gil somewhere. But hey. If I have most of it, shouldn't be hard ! Right? :x

Sunday, 18 May 2008

Go go power rangers!

Well okay, not power rangers as such. But a quick post to say:

Level 60 & full AF. And Ed looking like a purple power ranger. <3

Monday, 12 May 2008

And again, busy busy busy~

It seems I'm not getting a moment to myself, and when I am, I'm doing things out of game (like drinking a whole bottle of champaign and playing useless computer games which aren't FF!). But none the less, I got a fair amount done in game.

For a start, my WHM is now 55. Slowly getting to wear my AF, it seems. Not that the silly hat is actually any use, anyway (: Also quested all 3 Recall spells, which are nice to have. I don't really have a fast passage to the (S) areas so.

I also had immense fun trioing the Mithran Tracker ENM with Dooom and Wolfheart~ Had a few problems at first, but we got there in the end. It was just a shame all they gave us was a silly Dragon Bone. :x

I don't really have any interesting screens, so here's one for the lulz~

Tuesday, 6 May 2008


Due to certain circumstances which arose, Ed and I decided to leave Nephilim LS. Not a huge loss. (: Happy to have more free time and less shouting to boot. Seriously, it's a game, not a nazi regime.

So for the past two days Ed and I were working on getting DRG and WHM to 50, which we managed to do (though he had to finish his level in campaign). So that meant starting on AF of course. Thanks to my luff being bored and farming all 6 keys for both of us, we're both 5/5 on AF right now (after a strangely easy WHM AF body fight). The only part that took a while was farming the bell. But we got it eventually.

So now I'm looking forward to be able to level in more social hours since we have no events to attend to. Though Ed and myself are thinking of starting a Salvage/Limbus group. (: Waiting for the vendor to open now to get myself a shell. But what to call it !

Edit: Shell bought. (: Wanted to call it Gobmuffin but the name was taken. So we settled on MandragoraSoup. (No Mandragoras were harmed in the making of this linkshell).

Monday, 5 May 2008

Playing with Antlions again? Me? Never!

So today was the monthly linkshell pop NM. Today's target: Alastor Antlion. Not my most favourite NM in the world to be honest but he provides much entertainment for the masses.

For those of you who don't know this NM, Alastor Antlion is a royal pain in the bum. By trading an Antlion trap to the ??? at (F-10), you are able to spawn the legendary Feeler Antlion. Who will very conviniently spawn many minions for you to play with. Eventually, the legendary Feeler Antlion will call his friend, Alastor Antlion, who proceeds to Petrify the masses. Upon his defeat, Alastor will present you with a shiney new piece of footwear called Rostrum Pumps.

Congratulations to the proud new owners of their shiney new shoes: Demolama, Blanaid, Bulletproofmonk, Vaizard and... Me!

Huzzah! And while we were participating in this epic battle, it turns out that Bastok finally managed to have control over the Derfland region. Which means that I now have all the outpost warps in Vana'diel.

Also, ding White Mage 49 O:

Saturday, 3 May 2008

What could be more fun than..

..Running around naked and hitting stuff? So we tried today as a sort of test run (: Reminded me how much I enjoy Salvage. It's just too bad the entrance fee is a bit steep (Well, if you want items from assault points, too). But we headed on down into Bhauflau Remnants as a small group and started whacking mobs. Was good fun, though I didn't enjoy hearing my singing so much.

Unfortunately the boss ate us, but it was only a test run so we weren't really bothered.

Other than that, did a few Limbus. A few sky runs.. A few Dyna runs. Manage to get White Mage to 46 with Ed's Dragoon last night. It's not a bad job when there's a refresh present. Without it, it's hell.

I now bid you farewell. And for the lulz:

Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Nothing to report.

Since my snugglebunny only just left for home, so really I haven't done anything in game recently apart from Limbus on two occaisions.

After this week I'll have most my uni work done too so I hope to be getting back into FF again shortly. (:

To do list:
  • Camp Leaping Lizzy and Valkurm Emperor.
  • Rank up in Campaign.
  • Do assault to gain points for Salvage access.
  • Farm.
  • Re-buy DRK gear.
  • Level WHM some more.

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Forgive me..

For the lack of posting.

But my Ed ish here invading my room. So no time for ze FF.


Sunday, 13 April 2008

So it's just been a good week.

Today my snugglebunny and I offered to help with the Optical Hat run in our Linkshell. We weren't really needers of it but it was fun to help out. Many thanks to Loncar for organising it of course. (: The run went very smoothly, aside from Heretic committing suicide a few times.

But again, thanks to Loncar having a few spare clusters to sell, Ed and I got some shiney new pointy hats ! Which we weren't expecting at all. So yeah, thank you Loncipoop (: Congratulations the other eight people who received a shiney new pointy hat ! That's one more pop NM off the list for us, now.

After that since the linkshell had been so nice in helping we headed up to help some people with Carbuncle's Mitts. I already had mine but I enjoy helping people with that NM. It's good to feel useful in a fight. (Gogo, Light Carol!) But a congratulations again to the three who received their Carbuncle Mitts. Now off to farm Antlion Jaws with Ed !

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Why thank you, Kirin<3

It's been a lucky week, it seems. First the amazing drops last night and now today. First of all came Temenos which drowned us in Paladin AF upgrade items. So congratulations to all who got them ! And congrats especially to Ed for completing his Limbus upgrades (:

Next came Kirin, and I am proud to say I didn't die once. Almost did but I managed to escape his wrath. Unfortunately I didn't manage to land Elegy today, which was a shame. But I am rather happy about this Kirin since:

That's right, I won the bid on a Kirin's Osode for 410 points. And my luff also won the Wyrmal Legs that dropped with 375. Sadly they were the only drops, but damn good drops if you ask me. Now excuse me while I go afk and scream with glee !

Much love to the full moon !

Wow, what a day ! To start off with I couldn't log into FF at all for some reason. My programs were being a pain in the behind. But eventually it sorted itself out. When I did get on I went to help Ed and Dar out with breaking weapon latents and farming sea organs.. Which unfortunately ended in a wipe because 3 of them linked and one decided to Reraise on us. It wasn't pretty.

So after that, we decided we'd quickly get our AF weapons for Dragoon and White Mage sorted since they wouldn't take us too long. Oddly enough it took me longer to find the NPC to start the quest than to actually kill the NM :x. So thanks to Ed and Dar I have my useless Holy Hammer. Well, it's pretty to look at, but it's not as good as the wand I'm using at the moment. I can't wait to get to 51 so I can use my Apollo's staff again. It's fun starting new AF quests, though. A new storyline to explore ! Reminds me of my newbie days and thinking that AF quests would be so hard, when actually, they're really not.

After that I went and campaigned for a short time with Darcia. And to my surprise I finally managed to see the wyrm lady NPC in Jugner. She's bigger than I explected and /does/ look exactly like Fafnir. It's a shame she doesn't really act like Fafnir and Flail. That would be entertaining. I think Jagibod's Warmachine could use a good Flailing >_>;.

After that Ed and I decided we'd ask Dooom if he'd like to do a few Peacock Charm BCNM runs with us since we needed money. We planned to do 5 runs since Dooom and I could both afford to do more than one run each and since the seals would only sit in my Mog house gathering dust. I'm honestly glad we did.

Total loot worth anything:
  • Utsusemi: Ni (First run)
  • Utsusemi: Ni (Second run)
  • Peacock Charm (Fourth run)
  • Utsusemi: Ni (Fifth run)
  • Peacock Charm (Fifth run)
So needless to say, we were rather happy. Ed and I have a shiney new Peacock Charm to share between us (for Dark Knight and Dragoon) and Dooom has one for his Warrior. In total I got 600k out of it though, so I'm rather happy. So. Much love to the full moon (:

Sunday, 6 April 2008

Mappy map map map!

So I helped with 8-2 today, and while we were at it we did the map quest of the Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi. In all it was pretty good, free EXP, a bit of gil and a map for somewhere I'll probably never really go but it's always nice to have maps (: But congratulations to those who needed the mission and everyone else who got maps.

Just waiting to help with a Promyvion now for one of Dar's friends. Yay for being White mage D:!

Long time no.. Post. D:

Well, I forgot to mention it but I went to France to stay with my luff. I originally was only going for 6 days or so but he bought me different flights back so I could stay longer. (: Therefore, I really didn't do much in FF aside from the few campaign battles while he was out at Uni. I'll be updating properly again soon, though.

Monday, 24 March 2008


Ding 4/5 Bard Relic! Which I wasn't expecting at all. Yay for more macro gear. (:

Ark Angels!

As usual, nothing much to report. Done a few Assaults, done the usual events with the linkshells (: Went on a failed attempt to farm Antlion Jaws with my love (god I hate Antlions). And as usual, just waiting out the maintenance to get into Dynamis-Xarcabard.

As well as all that, I helped organise a Divine Might run for the linkshell since there were so many people needing it done - and in my experience it's better to go with a group of people you know instead of a shout party. We got it on the third try due to a few spots of bad luck on the first two (damn skillchaining Ark Angels! Don't they know no one skillchains anymore? D: ) Unfortunately I didn't get any screenshots, but Mynas managed to get a good one so I'll use that O:

Congratulations to all the needers (:

Now.. To wait out the maintenance.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Warhorse Hoofprint!

Found it! In Wajaom Woodlands of all places. Pom pom man couldn't evade me any longer. So I finally ranked up to Superior Private. Not that it'll make that much difference to be honest since I almost never do Assault really.

Also, yesterday I obtained my Iron Emblem of Service despite the fact that Square-Enix broke campaign badly. (Maintenance pending, anyone?) So that's 2 rank ups, and it's only Wednesday!

Sunday, 16 March 2008


We have a winnar! No. Really. I wasn't expecting that at all! And even better?


Congratulations to Znozzy and Tillaert on their Osodes, Luxv on his Neptunal body and also Nyvec on Wyrmal legs!

Also, I got the Bard Temenos item again today, meaning only one more upgrade item before I really don't need to upgrade anymore for Bard! It was a good day today.

Tuesday, 11 March 2008


Perhaps the campest FF poses in the world? Definitely maybe. Went sightseeing with Znozz in the new areas and we just HAD to get some holiday snaps with this Star Ruby Quadav.

As Znozzy said, we just proved that white people cannot dance.

And if you were interested, there was nothing really to see in Beadeaux anyway. Pretty much exactly the same as present day Beadeaux!

♪Dance, Dance♪

The matrix has you. No really, it does.

Sunday, 9 March 2008

More ToAU done!

Well. A bit more. Ed, Dar and I managed to Trio a Lamia killing mission, though from what I understand it's pure luck that we did. Apparently we're not too far from the end, either.

I also got the quest to rank up to Superior Private in Assault Rank. Though I've yet to find the Warhorse print. That'll be my job this week. Find the damn Warhorse Hoofprint!

Though I have to laugh.. Everytime I see Odin I think of Pompoms.

Saturday, 8 March 2008


We killed Proto-Omega again and it proved to be a rather smooth fight. Only 1 or 2 deaths I believe. Unfortunately the gunpods didn't really drop anything worthwhile, but congrats to my hunnybunny for getting his Homam Cosciales! <3

Finally reached Emblems.

I finally reached the level of Emblems in Campaign and was able to buy an Iron Ram Horn to replace my Faerie Piccolo. It's not amazing, but for the same Song + time, I get 4 CHR too. So I guess it counts as better (:

Just waiting to do Proto Omega now (: Will update later after the rugby!

Sunday, 2 March 2008

Campaign fun!

Not really accoplished anything today apart from finally ranking up in campaign. Other than that I've been afk a lot doing things. I rearranged my room randomly. Just because I felt like a change really.

Other than that I finally obtained my Choral Cannions +1. Which means no more storing BRD AF. Ah well, it's worth it. I just hope I get the next set of items quicker than these.