So I fell in love with Dancer. I thouroughly enjoy playing the job, it's unique.. It's different, and it's also a melee job. I decided I'm going to level it whenever possible since it's one of the few things in game I really enjoy at the moment. Plus I'd look damn good in the AF. At the moment, I'm level 25. I'm going to attempt to seek again afer limbus tomorrow though. Gogo Kazham!
All I've really been doing is slowly making gil and trying to rebuy gear for RDM. I got hold of a pair of Jet Seraweels finally, now just the gloves to go. Though unfortunately I have this horrible feeling I'll just end up selling it all again. Oh, and I finally upgraded my Warlock's Tabard!
It's late. I don't really have any interesting pictures, so here's one of some dancing. o_o
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