So a few hours ago I dinged 40 DNC (finally!) and got my AF weapon by watching Luxv pretty much one shot the NM. Thanking you, ronry bard~! Now only 10 more levels to go until I can quest the rest of the pretty AF. I feel rather excited.. Is that a good thing?
Also I'm aiming for the Cobra Unit set for level 68, it looks so good and the stats are overly sexy for DNC (Acc and Store TP? O: Yes please!) I was thinking earlier about all the gear I'd like for DNC... Not just for levelling, but for the long run. I suppose the list is getting rather big, but so far I've thought of:
- Ecphoria Ring
- Peacock Charm
- Brutal Earring
- Cobra Unit Subligar
- Cobra Unit Mittens
- Cobra Unit Leggings
- Swift Belt/Potent Belt
- Rapparee Harness
I know there's more to add there.. But that's what I'm aiming towards at the moment. Of course there's no way in hell I'm affording a Peacock Charm anytime soon, but hey, a girl can dream right?
Well anywho, it's 9am, I'm bored.. So here's a screen of what I did while lfp on DNC.. God I love this dat <3