Saturday, 30 August 2008

Dazzling dance diva~!

Been a long time since I last updated. But in between now and then I managed to get an Ecphoria Ring, a Chivalrous Chain (through assault!), 5/5 DNC AF (only cost me 200k..), Duelist's Tights and Duelist's Gloves. I also dinged 55 DNC yesterday afternoon before Dynamis. So it's been a pretty good week.

The DNC AF body quest was rather fun, had to 'put on a show'. Similar to the summerfest mini games in style. Well, I don't really have any interesting screens this week, so here's one of my show~

Thursday, 21 August 2008

Promising Dancer~

So a few hours ago I dinged 40 DNC (finally!) and got my AF weapon by watching Luxv pretty much one shot the NM. Thanking you, ronry bard~! Now only 10 more levels to go until I can quest the rest of the pretty AF. I feel rather excited.. Is that a good thing?

Also I'm aiming for the Cobra Unit set for level 68, it looks so good and the stats are overly sexy for DNC (Acc and Store TP? O: Yes please!) I was thinking earlier about all the gear I'd like for DNC... Not just for levelling, but for the long run. I suppose the list is getting rather big, but so far I've thought of:
  • Ecphoria Ring
  • Peacock Charm
  • Brutal Earring
  • Cobra Unit Subligar
  • Cobra Unit Mittens
  • Cobra Unit Leggings
  • Swift Belt/Potent Belt
  • Rapparee Harness
I know there's more to add there.. But that's what I'm aiming towards at the moment. Of course there's no way in hell I'm affording a Peacock Charm anytime soon, but hey, a girl can dream right?

Well anywho, it's 9am, I'm bored.. So here's a screen of what I did while lfp on DNC.. God I love this dat <3

Sunday, 17 August 2008

A song I keep falling in love with.

I know that the video makes no sense for the song, but the only other version on Youtube had a freaky Spanish girl in...

An unexpected promotion..

I can't complain though really, just found it a bit of a surprise to say officially I've only completed 8 different assaults. But someone tells me that Nyzul Isle counts towards rank ups so that must be why. Either way... Wahoo!

Saturday, 16 August 2008

Shoe shopping!

Within 24 hours I gained 3 pairs of shoes.. Avocat Pigaches (Thank ye Znozzpoop!), Numerist's Pumps (Thank you Mrrrrrrriiiiiiilll!) and Duelist's Boots (YayDynaSandy!) So it's no real surprise that today I feel like I real woman. I want moare shoes. Unfortunately Dea didn't drop the Oracle's Pigaches but I can hardly complain.

In other news, I reached DNC 35 by duoing with another DNC. I hope to level it more this weekend after sky.

Thank you everyone<3

Thursday, 14 August 2008

Stupid parties!

Why do the only good invites come after midnight? It's 5am and I don't want to leave this party because so far I got 2 levels in it ; ; Goddamnit. But my bed has never looked so comfortable before...

Level 34 DNC, and still going!

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Dancer fever<3

So I fell in love with Dancer. I thouroughly enjoy playing the job, it's unique.. It's different, and it's also a melee job. I decided I'm going to level it whenever possible since it's one of the few things in game I really enjoy at the moment. Plus I'd look damn good in the AF. At the moment, I'm level 25. I'm going to attempt to seek again afer limbus tomorrow though. Gogo Kazham!

All I've really been doing is slowly making gil and trying to rebuy gear for RDM. I got hold of a pair of Jet Seraweels finally, now just the gloves to go. Though unfortunately I have this horrible feeling I'll just end up selling it all again. Oh, and I finally upgraded my Warlock's Tabard!

It's late. I don't really have any interesting pictures, so here's one of some dancing. o_o

Thursday, 7 August 2008


This must be my 4th Summerfest in FF, I still like the music and the fireworks. Reminds me of how amazed I was when I first saw them. What I like even more is SE's new approach to the festival this year. It's different, there's new swimsuits and sideshow games to keep players entertained. Though the whole Mumor thing was horribly cheesy, I got a good laugh out of it.

We did a few Nyzul boss runs the other day, met with Behemoth and two Adamantoises. Fortunately, one dropped. Congrats Ed on your silly looking new shoes<3 Askar look silly. D: And also congrats on your homam feet from the last Omega run.. You have more shoes than me ): Speaking of Nyzul, I wish there were different tags for Nyzul so we didn't have to stockpile assault tags. There's still gear I want from assault but I can't do assault because I'm supposed to save tags for Nyzul. It's just silly, I tell you.

Anyway, just a short update for now.