Saturday 12 April 2008

Much love to the full moon !

Wow, what a day ! To start off with I couldn't log into FF at all for some reason. My programs were being a pain in the behind. But eventually it sorted itself out. When I did get on I went to help Ed and Dar out with breaking weapon latents and farming sea organs.. Which unfortunately ended in a wipe because 3 of them linked and one decided to Reraise on us. It wasn't pretty.

So after that, we decided we'd quickly get our AF weapons for Dragoon and White Mage sorted since they wouldn't take us too long. Oddly enough it took me longer to find the NPC to start the quest than to actually kill the NM :x. So thanks to Ed and Dar I have my useless Holy Hammer. Well, it's pretty to look at, but it's not as good as the wand I'm using at the moment. I can't wait to get to 51 so I can use my Apollo's staff again. It's fun starting new AF quests, though. A new storyline to explore ! Reminds me of my newbie days and thinking that AF quests would be so hard, when actually, they're really not.

After that I went and campaigned for a short time with Darcia. And to my surprise I finally managed to see the wyrm lady NPC in Jugner. She's bigger than I explected and /does/ look exactly like Fafnir. It's a shame she doesn't really act like Fafnir and Flail. That would be entertaining. I think Jagibod's Warmachine could use a good Flailing >_>;.

After that Ed and I decided we'd ask Dooom if he'd like to do a few Peacock Charm BCNM runs with us since we needed money. We planned to do 5 runs since Dooom and I could both afford to do more than one run each and since the seals would only sit in my Mog house gathering dust. I'm honestly glad we did.

Total loot worth anything:
  • Utsusemi: Ni (First run)
  • Utsusemi: Ni (Second run)
  • Peacock Charm (Fourth run)
  • Utsusemi: Ni (Fifth run)
  • Peacock Charm (Fifth run)
So needless to say, we were rather happy. Ed and I have a shiney new Peacock Charm to share between us (for Dark Knight and Dragoon) and Dooom has one for his Warrior. In total I got 600k out of it though, so I'm rather happy. So. Much love to the full moon (:

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