Thursday 29 November 2007


Well as soon as maintenance was done we hopped back into FFXI to pay the Tonberry another visit. Which was fun as ever O_o; But congratulations to my snugglebunny for getting his Carbuncle's Mitts... Not that he'll use them. Then it was back to helping Dardar with some more San d'Oria rank NMs.

So we killed two greater bird NMs in Batallia Downs for Dardar's rank 9. It was pretty simple. But I
was merely enjoying the view in Batallia since it was an area of it I'd yet to visit. I never realised you could actually get to the island on the south of the map. I just thought it was there for show. Too bad you can't get there alone, because that would be my new haunt spot if so. Only a few Goblin Bounty Hunters, and of course their diet only consists of fishing botters. (:

So afer lurking there for a while, and writing a bit of my uni assignment, I decided to go poke around in the new areas for a bit and listen to the music. It's my favourite thing about the Expansion so far. The music is beautiful. But I accidently managed to join Bastok's campaign. Usually that wouldn't bother me. But I'd already promised to do San d'Oria with Ed and Dar. So then I find out I had to walk all the way to Bastok before I could change to San d'Oria. Sounds easy right? No. You'd think the people of Vana'Diel 20 years previous would have heard of Chocobos... Obviously not. I had to walk. And there were VT mobs everywhere. It was rather scary. But after about an hour of Mazurka'ing myself and getting horribly lost in North Gustaburg [S], I found my way to Bastok.

On the way back when I was heading to the nearest Maw, I
encountered this random cutscene that made me rather sad. [[Spoiler warning]]. I wouldn't advise enlarging the image if you don't want it ruined for you. But a random soldier died in front of me. Not 'KO' die... Acually died. It made me sad. Even worse was the fact that it was my snugglebunny's chracter model ;w;. It was so random. Pah. Silly Square - Enix making me feel all sad inside.

After that my snugglebunny told me that Charybdis was up again. Now this NM is a pain in the arse to camp. Always overcamped and even if you do claim it's a pain in the arse to kill. But regardless, I headed down to Sea Serpant Grotto with him. He managed to convince the random Red Mage Taru there that they should team up for a better chance of winning. I'm not sure how. But he did.

Well as you can see from the picture, my snugglebunny got his Joytoy. We won't be seeing Sea Serpant Grotto again anytime soon. Well, he very politely offered to help the Red Mage Taru, which I thought was lovely. {/comfort}

And yes. It does match your armour :D Congratulations my hunnybunny <3>

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