Monday 3 December 2007

Kini <3 Wings of the Goddess

Thank you SE. XD I'm loving the new expansion so much. Campaign is such a big improvement on Besieged. It's smaller scale and spread across Vana'Diel. And the fact you can teleport to the zones is pretty awesome too.

I don't know. I know I haven't experienced a lot of the expansion content yet but I am thouroughly enjoying what I have. Campaign Ops, Campaign Battles... Exploring the new areas (Though that's been scary at the same time. VT mobs in Pashhow Marshlands? Pssht.) I've yet to get any decent screens of Campaign because it doesn't last too long. And staying alive is tough enough without having to stop to take a screenie.

I need to start dragging Ed and Dar to them >_>

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