Tuesday 12 February 2008

No news as of yet!

Well, not really anyway. Not done all that much in-game recently that should really be noted. Been playing Final Fantasy III a lot though. At first I couldn' get into it and not I'm addicted. What's new.

I was thinking that now I'm 37 Ninja, I want to re-gear my Red Mage. I still have the Rare/Ex stuff, just need to fill in the gaps I suppose. I want a vermillion cloak, damnit! But anyway. Hopefully on the next sky run wyrmal feet will go free-lot so I can try get them. Think that's all I want really.

Something that IS worth noting is the fact that I just plunged another 3 merits into Wind skill. Meaning I'm now capped at 250 wind when fully geared. Which isn't bad at all, I'm thinking.

Now I'm bored and not sleepy I'm going to fix my dats since installing the expansion broke most of them.

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